Ways to include students who can't participate with holiday music
In this training, we'll be discussing ways you can include students who can't participate with holiday music.
The key takeaways from this training include:
1. "Before you do anything else, talk to that child's classroom teacher and parent to find out which activities they can participate in."
2. "If the goal you're working on is singing in tune, have that child sing a different song than the one you're working on to practice the objective."
3. "You may need to change up your lesson plans a bit to accommodate that child."
4. "Whatever objective you're teaching the rest of the class, try to find something the other child can do where they're still learning."
5. "When you're in the classroom, you're dealing with so many different personalities and learning needs on any given day."
6. "Kids are a lot more resilient than we give them credit for"
7. "If you don't make things awkward, it won't be awkward for the rest of the class."
8. "You'll get comfortable with how to include them without making them feel isolated."